Ashianeyeh Zar Cu & Au


Ashiyane Zar district with the area of 18.7 square kilometers is located in the province of Kerman, beside cities of Negar, Shirinak and Ashiyane Zar. This area is located in the southern part of urmia-dokhtar exploration zone. The area is on the Negar road, towards the Ghariye Alarab village, towards Shirinak, the village of Ashiyaneye Zar.

Reserve Type

  • Genesis: Copper and Gold polymetallic veins associated with porphyry systems and possibly Copper porphyry deposits
  • Paragenesis: Chalcopyrite, Cuprite, Chalcocite, Malachite, Azurite, Galena, Sphalerite, Pyrite, Goethite and Hematite
  • Gangue type: Silica, Carbonate ore, Hematite and Goethite
  • Geochemical Paragenesis: Au, Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, As, Sb, Ag


  • Host rock: Andesite, Granite, Granodiorite and Tuff, Agglomerate, Tuff, Sandstone and Lime
  • Age of host rock: Eocene to Quaternary
  • Alteration: Propilytic, Argillic, Silicification, Carbonatization, Alunitization, Jarositization, in some parts likely to be phyllic with silicified stockworks

Reserve Amount

Dimensions of the mineral in the vein section, which consists of about 40 mineralization veins and silica-carbonate veins, has a length of several tens of meters to several hundred with width from 1 meter to more than 30 meters and a height of between 1 and 15 meters. Also in the porphyry section, stockworks, veins and veinlets are found in several regions with different dimensions in which molybdenum, gold and copper anomalies have been identified. In the eastern mass, the dimensions of mineralization are approximately 200 × 100 m, with a height of ​​about 40 meters and in the western mass is 200 × 500 meters and a height of about 15 meters.

In this district, copper grade is between 1.0% to 1.7%, molybdenum grade is between 10 to 212 ppm, gold grade range is from 50 to 8200 ppb, silver grade range is from 10 to 182 ppm, lead grade from 0.1 to 6.2% Zinc grade is from 1.0 to 5.0 percent, arsenic is from 200 to 5000 ppm, and the antimony grade is from 100 to 3100 ppm.

Proven Reserve

Proven reserve of copper with cutoff grade of 0.2% and the average grade of 0. 5% copper have been estimated 266.300 tones and the probable reserve have been considered 528,000 tones. Also, proven reserve for the gold element as a copper byproduct, with the grade of 0.2 (ppm) and the average grade of 0.52 (ppm) is 105,340 tons of ore, equivalent to 53 kilograms of gold.


Water and electricity are near the area and major road (dirt road) exist in the most areas.

Exploration operations

  • Regional geology and topographic mapping with the scale of 1:20,000 in 24.3 km2 areas
  • Purchasing satellite images from National Cartographic Center
  • Sampling of mineralization in primary prospecting phase (50 samples)
  • Systematic sampling from ore bodies (141 samples)
  • Analysis of appropriately prepared samples is conducted by ICP-MS and Fire Assay
  • Sampling and analysis of 4 XRD samples
  • Preparing and studying 14 petrographic samples
  • Preparing and studying 10 mineralogical samples
  • Geophysical operation in 3 profiles with IP & RS methods
  • Detailed prospecting topographic mapping in 5 sub areas with scale of 1:1,000 in area of 417 ha
  • Detailed prospecting geology mapping in 3 sub areas with scale of 1:1,000 in area of 418 ha
  • Construction 5 kilometers dirt road and buildup 22 drilling platforms
  • Digging 27 trenches with a volume of 2,578 m3 and total length of 573m
  • Mapping and drawing trench sections in total length of 573m
  • Sampling of trenches for analysis by ICP-OES, XRD and XRF methods (132 samples)
  • Core drilling of 320 meters borehole in 6 bores
  • Quick logging in length of 320m
  • RQD & CR studying on cores
  • Bore cutting in length of 308m


This district has exploitation license and belongs to the Zarmesh Mining and Commercial Group.