Parallel flow accumulation algorithms for graphical processing units with application to RUSLE model

Paleomagnetism org An online multi platform open source environment for paleomagnetic data analysis

Phase Composition Maps integrate mineral compositions with rock textures from the micro meter to the thin section scale

Performance prediction of finite difference solvers for different computer architectures

Performance comparison of several response surface surrogate models and ensemble methods for water injection optimization under uncertainty

PEaCH4-v-2-0-A modelling platform to predict early diagenetic processes in marine sediments with a focus on biogenic methane case study offshore Namib

Pcto SIM multiple point geostatistical modeling using parallel conditional texture optimization

Parallelization of interpolation solar radiation and water flow simulation modules in GRASS GIS using OpenMP

Quasi equal area subdivision algorithm for uniform points on a sphere with application to any geographical data distribution

pySCu A new python code for analyzing remagnetizations directions by means of small circle utilities

جلسه گروه زرمش با جناب آقای مهندس سودی شعار

جلسه در تاریخ 96/01/30 با حضور آقایان مهندس سودی شعار، دکتر هندی، مهندس جلالی، دکتر مشکانی و خانم مهندس اکبری تشکیل شد. در این جلسه که درخصو...

pyGrav a Python based program for handling and processing relative gravity data

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