Effect of biochar amendments on As and Pb mobility and phytoavailability in contaminated mine technosols phytoremediated by Salix

Effect of biochar amendments on the mobility and bio availability of As Sb and Pb in a contaminated mine technosol

Effect of biochar artificial ageing on Cd and Cu sorption characteristics 2015

Effect of compost addition on arsenic uptake morphological and physiological attributes of maize plants grown in contrasting soils

Effects of selected chemical and physicochemical properties of humic acids from peat soils on their interaction mechanisms with copper ions at various

Element mobility in the weathering environment and surface vectors to mineralisation A case study from the Mashitu South Cu Co deposit Katanga Democra

Enhanced phytoremediation capacity of a mixed species plantation of Eucalyptus globulus and Chickpeas

Enrichment and distribution of trace elements in Padhrar Thar and Kotli coals from Pakistan Comparison to coals from China with an emphasis on the ele

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Environmental impact of disposal of coal mining wastes on soils and plants in Rostov Oblast Russia

Estimation of 222Rn exhalation rate and assessment of radiological risk from activity concentration of 226Ra 232Th and 40K

Estimation of terrestrial radionuclide concentration and effect of soil parameters on exhalation and emanation rate of radon

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