Separdeh fire clay region with total area 9.94 km2 is located in Mazandaran province near the Ramsar city. Access ways to the area is from the Ramsar, Galesh and Chalakrud city and Separ deh village.
Separdeh fire clay
Reserve Type
- Genesis: Sedimentary and syngenetic
- Paragenesis of mineral: Kaolinite, dichite, chlorite, quartz, hematite, muscovite, anatase, rutile, calcite, dolomite and lime
- Host rock type: Lime, shale and dolomite
- Age of the host rock: eocene to quaternary
- Degree of mineral purity( Grade of mineral deposite)
Dolomite: The average grade of MgO is about 18% and CaO is about 30%.
Laterite: The average Al2O3 grade is about 29% and the Fe2O3 grade is about 27% (to 57%).
Bauxite: The average Al2O3 grade is about (30- 47) % and the average Fe2O3 grade is about 2.8%.
Reserve Amount
Zone no.1: zardkoh block has 175m in long and 100m in width and average Al2O3 grade is (23 -34)%
Zone no.2: dareh rah kesh block has 2km in long and 7- 20m thikness and average grade of Al2O3 is 23- 25%.
Zone no.3: chal zamin block has 200m in long and 100m in width
Zone no.4: zarjsoo block has 300m in long and 20 – 25m thikness and average grade for Al2O3 is more than 45%
Zone no.5: zarj dasht block has 100m in long and 8 to 15 m thikness and average grade for Al2O3 is 30 to 35%.
Zone no.6: north of the separ deh village block has 120m in long and 20 -25m thikness and average grade for Al2O3 is more than 47%
Proven Reserve
Kaolinite: proven reserve is 308358 tons and probable reserve is 616723 tons
Laterite: proven reserve is 3880974 tons and probable reserve is 7719651 tons
Kaolinite- Laterite: proven reserve is 426700 tons and probable reserve is 853402 tons
Dolomite: proven reserve is 14454250 tons and probable reserve is 28908501 tons
Clay: proven reserve is 39530 tons and probable reserve is 79060 tons
Kaolinite: proven reserve is 308358 tons and probable reserve is 616723 tons
Laterite: proven reserve is 3880974 tons and probable reserve is 7719651 tons
Kaolinite- Laterite: proven reserve is 426700 tons and probable reserve is 853402 tons
Dolomite: proven reserve is 14454250 tons and probable reserve is 28908501 tons
Clay: proven reserve is 39530 tons and probable reserve is 79060 tons
There is water, electricity and dirt road near the area.
Exploration operations
- Collecting information for exploratory area
- Preparing topographical and geological map with the scale of 1:20,000 in Whole area
- Sampling and chemical analysis for 13 thin section and 34 sample for XRF
- Quantitative and qualitative surveying and initial blocking
- Preparing the first phase report
- Preparing topographical and geological map with the scale of 1:5,000
- Resampling from Surface outcrop for taking Appropriate sample
- various mineral horizons to be sampled for ore categorization
- collecting 54 samples for XRF analyses
- sending 6 samples for the mineralogical test
- Sending 4 samples for testing non-refractory to Azar Nasooze Isfahan laboratory
- Drilling 12 trenches
- Blocking minerals from quantitatively and qualitatively aspects
It has exploitation license that is belong to Pars Gostaran Aghigh company.